Latest News

October 18, 2024

2024 Festival Evaluation

As usual, like all good self-evaluating organisations, we ask choir teachers to complete a quick evaluation of the 2024 Music Festival. 

Although there is space for any comments, it is possible to complete it in a few seconds by selecting options!

Please complete the form below ASAP as we will be following up so that we have 100% return from all schools.  The Festival Executive meets in two weeks to consider the evaluation and to commence the 2025 Festival organisation…so please help us by completing this last task for 2024!

Many thanks for your help!  …and don’t forget to click “Submit evaluation” when you’ve got to the end!

2024 Festival Evaluation

"*" indicates required fields

Your choir

Type of choir this year*
Please select the descriptor that best give us some idea of how your choir was constituted this year.
Year levels in your choir*
Please check each year level as appropriate to indicate the make up of your choir.
Our choir teacher is...*
Please select the descriptor that best describes the person taking the choir this year.

Do you have a piano accompanist that you use in your rehearsals?*

Evaluation of Festival

1. The first objective of the Music Festival is to provide " uplifting and enjoyable experience of choral music performed at the highest possible standard with professional production values."

Please rate the Festival as to how well we achieved this objective this year.

First objective*

2. The second objective of the Music Festival is to provide "...exposure to a wide variety of genre and styles of choral music that serve to inspire and educate."

Please evaluate the massed choir songs selected for the Festival this year against this objective.

Second objective*

3. The third objective of the Music Festival is to provide "Choral training based on the development of well-produced head tone and other important vocal techniques."

Please evaluate the Festival on this criteria based on your Teacher Demonstration Meeting, Area Rehearsal and Final Rehearsal experiences.

Third objective*

4. The fourth objective of the Music Festival is to provide "...development of the personal responsibility and self-discipline required for music performance."

Please evaluate your choir's OVERALL achievement of this objective.

Fourth objective*

5. Please rate the organisation of the Festival as you experienced it.

Teacher Demonstration Meeting*
Area Rehearsals*
Rehearsal on Performance Morning*
Performance Night*
If there is some way that we could improve your choir's experience in the Music Festival, briefly say how.

6. If we are able to access suitable funding, we are considering the possibility of providing assistance to schools for the training of choirs. Please select ONE of the following options that you might consider for your school if such assistance was made available next year.

Assistance with training your school choir*
Choose the ONE option that might best apply for your school in 2025

How helpful were the warm ups included this year for your choir rehearsals?*
How helpful are learning tracks?*

7. That's it...unless you want to add anything!