The Representative Groups of the Music Festival are the musical equivalent of Canterbury representative sports teams; you have to be quite good to get in.
Joining a Representative Group
The Festival team wants to select the very best singers and musicians for the Representative Groups of the Music Festival, so you have to pass an audition to get in, even if you have been in a Representative Group previously.
You can apply for an audition for any of the Representative Groups even if your school does not have a choir in the Festival this year.
But, please make sure that you and your parents have read all the information below before lodging your application by clicking the yellow button below.
Click on the images to watch 2 short videos of some useful audition advice, and what it’s really like to be in a Rep Group.
If you want to be considered for membership of a Representative Group in the Music Festival, you need to:
A: Read all the information on this website about…
- The Audition process
- Commitments, Costs & Permissions
B: Make sure that you have the following available…
- Personal details
- Information about your musical ability
C: Complete the online application
Please do not send any money with your application. Once you have been offered a position in a Representative Group, you will be required to pay the $60 registration fee.
Every pupil wishing to be a member of one of the Representative Groups, MUST attend an audition. There are no exceptions to this requirement, even for pupils who have been previous members of a Rep Group.
Date and Venue for your audition
The date and venue may vary depending on the Representative Group(s) you have applied for. Instrumentalists are auditioned by instrument irrespective of which group they wish to join. Auditions for 2025 will be held between 19 and 30 May.
Preparing for audition: Information sheets
We’ve written some information sheets that will tell you what the Festival is looking for and what you need to do, so click on the relevant Information Sheet:
If you auditioning for the Junior or Senior Representative Choirs, there are music tracks available here to help you practise, and you can also watch an audition to see what happens.
When will you know?
The result of your audition will be emailed to you and to the teacher in charge of music at your school on 29 June 2025. Ask the teacher-in-charge of music at your school for your result if you do not receive it in your email.
It is vital that each pupil applying for a position in one of the Representative Groups, and their caregivers, are aware of the commitments and costs. A pupil taking up a place in one of the Representative Groups must:
- Be in Year 5 or above. No Year 4 pupil is permitted to be a member of a Representative Group.
- Practise the music and/or learn the words to all the pieces in which you play or sing.
- Attend the compulsory Holiday Course in the first week of the Spring Holidays; no exceptions can be made.
- Attend all other rehearsals. Each Representative Group has weekend rehearsals before and after the Holiday Course and attendance at these is compulsory.
- Attend the Dress Rehearsal at the Christchurch Town Hall on Monday, 21 October.
- If your group accompanies the massed choirs in any pieces, you must attend each of the rehearsals held in the morning before each of the evening performances.
- Attend all of the performances of the Festival.
- Pay the $60 registration fee once you have been offered a place in a Representative Group. Your place may be offered to another pupil if this fee is not paid. This fee helps to defray the cost of the three days of instruction that you will receive on the Holiday Course. Contact the Festival Business Manager if payment of this fee presents a barrier to taking up your place. Assistance may be available. Please note that if you take up the place and pay the fee but then decide to not continue, the fee is not refundable.
- Exhibit a high standard of responsible self-control at all times.
- The parent or caregiver of a pupil taking up a place in one of the Representative Groups must be able to assist the pupil to fulfil these obligations and commitments.
Please do not pay this fee before you have been offered a place in a Representative Group.
Pupils applying to participate as a member of one of the Representative Groups must have the permission of…
Parent /Caregiver
If you are selected for a Representative Group, your parent/caregiver signs a form to indicate that he/she:
- has read the information provided at the time that your membership is accepted and agrees to abide by the requirements outlined in that information
- agrees that you will attend all rehearsals
- agrees to your picture being used in any publicity
- accepts that you will be expected to behave appropriately
- agrees to pay the $60.00 registration fee if your family can afford to do so