Massed Choir Music Tracks

The backing and rehearsal tracks for the songs which will be sung by the Massed Choirs in the 2024 Music Festival are available here.

Musical Director Rachel Wilford and her team have devised an interesting and varied programme which seeks to both educate and entertain as well as showing off the talents of the choirs, concert band and symphony orchestra – nearly four thousand children from around Canterbury!

In keeping with one of the festival’s objectives of introducing children to a range of genres, some of the songs will be very familiar to you, some will be totally new but hopefully there is something there for everyone! The Music Team has been looking long and hard since before last year’s festival took place to find the right songs and we hope that you enjoy singing them.

Massed Choir Songs for 2024: E tū

Please note that the tracks are provided for the exclusive use of the schools participating in the 2024 Music Festival for rehearsal purposes only.  Schools should take particular note of these notes about copyright and the use of these tracks. To play or download an individual track, just click the name of the song below.

We recommend that schools download these tracks so that they are always available when required and so replay quality is not affected by local internet speeds. A zip file of all tracks is available below for this purpose.

.zip file of all tracks: To download the .zip file of all the tracks, click this link, and then click ‘Download’ icon in the top right hand corner of the screen and then click ‘Download anyway’ at the next screen. Once downloaded, you can open the .zip file and drag and drop the folder to somewhere on your computer, and then drag and drop it again into your music playing software such as iTunes. It will display under the Albums CSMF 2024 Teaching Tracks and CSMF 2024 Teaching Tracks (Warm-ups).

You can also download an individual track(s) by clicking the link on the song below and then clicking the ‘Download’ icon at the top right in the player window.

Click on the image below for this year’s Teaching Notes