All pupils who have requested an audition for one of the Representative Groups should now have received an email providing details of the audition(s) time, date, venue and auditioner.
Schools have also been sent an email with a link to audition details for their pupils.
Click for AUDITION DETAILS for every child
Any music that pupils to prepare, as well as everything that you could possibly want to know about the audition, is available:
- Information Sheet for Junior and Senior Choir
- Practice music tracks for use by pupils auditioning for a choir
- Information Sheet for all instrumentalists.
Each audition lasts only 3 – 5 minutes and pupils from the same school will be having their auditions at much the same time. If an audition is during school hours, with the help of teachers, pupils’ families should be able to arrange transport.
Pupils should endeavour to be at the audition as allocated if at all possible. There are 550 or so auditions taking place, so it is important for pupils to be there a little ahead of time and ready to go.
If there is a problem, talk to the teacher in charge of Music at your school or, as a last resort, contact the appropriate auditioner by email.
If your name appeared on the list of pupils who had applied for an audition, but you cannot find your audition details, contact the Business Manager.