If you have not previously been responsible for a choir in the Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival, here’s what happens…and you can find out all the details from the School Choir Information menu links!
An overview of the Festival
Term 1, Week 2/3: Schools apply to be part of the Festival by completing a simple online form. You need to provide contact details, approximately how many pupils will be in your choir, and also make some simple commitments regarding your school’s participation..
Late Term 1: Your school will be assigned one night of the festival in which your choir will perform along with about 1000 other pupils.
Term 2: Choir teachers attend the Choir Teachers’ Demonstration Workshop when you will receive a copy of the festival songbook for each member of your choir, teaching notes and other information. Also, the conductors of the festival will take the attendees through all the songs that the choirs will sing, focusing on areas that may create teaching issues. They will also give you teaching strategies for each song. Music files become available online.
Term 2 & 3: You then set about teaching your choir the festival songs during your regular choir sessions at your school.
Late Term 3: Your choir will attend an area rehearsal along with a number of other schools. At this rehearsal, the conductors will go through all songs, assessing strengths and weaknesses and guiding the pupils through improvements.
Late Term 4: On the morning of your choir’s performance night, your choir and you attend a rehearsal at the festival venue. You, supervisors and your choir will sit in allocated seats and the conductors will rehearse that evening’s performance.
You and your choir attend the evening performance, and feel really good about being part of such a huge enterprise!
There are also opportunities for talented singers and instrumentalists from your school to audition to be a member of one of the festival Representative Groups – Junior (Year 5 & 6) Representative Choir, Senior (Year 7 & 8) Representative Choir, Concert Band and Symphony Orchestra. These groups perform items at the festival each night, sometimes in conjunction with the massed choirs.
It couldn’t be simpler…so read on in the School Information links, and we hope to see you at the Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival.